At the point when the lecherous wizard "Wizardo" secures the Princess away his enchantment palace, one and only ungainly villager is overcome and imbecilic enough to mediate! YOU: Nubbin Pureheart, loaded with sentimental sentiments and desires must explore this trap laden manor, crush a wild zoological garden of beasts and salvage the one intimate romance of your life, the flawless Princess Myrna Loo.
Here's the arrangement: Get the wizard to think you're seeking an apprenticeship and you'll have full run of the château while he tinkers with his abhorrence plan. Notwithstanding you should simply understand the riddles of the aged vestiges, resolve a submerged affection triangle, save the Unicorn (or Harpy) from that macho, Latin bull and open twelve or somewhere in the vicinity entryways! Furthermore this is all before your side journey to meet the wizard's colorful brother by marriage.

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