2) To come back to the netherworld or
3) To surrender their energy and status as evil spirits and live around people.
While there were some that picked generally, most of the evil presences chose it was best for everybody to run with choice 3. It was intense, yet as time passed these evil presences could mix in with the human world and live gently around them.
Be that as it may, blood is thicker than water. The offsprings of these evil spirits showed compelling capacities predominant than man and was named by social order as Jinyous. Of these Jinyous, most were sent to Kamizawa City: a separated city to keep all the Jinyous together. Additionally, the ones that were regarded unsafe were sent to an uncharted island.
Takabe Ryouichi was one that was sent to said island at the age of 5. This is an anecdote about him alongside Suzu, his just companion on the island, getting away to Kamizawa city to carry on with an ordinary life. What they didn't need, was that Suzu conveyed a mystery that pulled in greatly unwanted consideration..

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