At the point when one surrenders living and utilizing his spirit, he can't just lose the spirit yet can likewise give it to death… Before souls totally pass on they stick in The Void – an odd space between life and death.there is an outside opportunity to make due in The Void and even to return from it. This chance is The Color – the main sustenance of a diminishing soul meandering through the distressed domains of The Void, administered by immense Brothers and pernicious Sisters, who are wildly battling for the last drops of it. The Color is not just the feeling of life of these perplexing animals additionally gives force and indispensable power to the entire Void. The Color provides for you power to do just about everything even to escape passing grips in the event that you pick up enough Color, however there is an incredible absence of it in the dry deserts of The Void. There is Color just for the one, recover your lost Soul Back..
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